Application Process for Providence Church Academy
A Ministry of Providence Church
1151 W. Granada Boulevard
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Each application must be downloaded and completed before returning all documents (with references) to the PCA Director, Lauren Kellett, via email.
General application process for all Providence Church Academy positions
Recruitment and Selection:
Applicants must complete a Providence Church Academy application.
Applications must be submitted to the Director who will check personal references.
In addition, background checks are required for all employees, full or part-time.
Applicants will be required to appear for a personal interview with the Director and the Senior Pastor. (All expenses for obtaining the applicant's background checks will be paid by Providence Church Academy.)
Personal Qualifications for Employment:
All employees at Providence Church Academy shall agree with the Statements of Faith on the Providence Church website and the PCA Code of Conduct and Affirmation of Service.
All employees shall give evidence of good moral character.
Applicants should secure and complete a Staff Application, which is available by contacting the Director of Providence Church Academy, Lauren Kellett, at lauren.kellett@theprovidencechurch.org or at 386-310-4997.
Spiritual Qualifications for Employment:
The applicant has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior (Rom. 10:9-10).
All applicants should demonstrate a conviction that God has called them to kingdom service in Christian school ministry (I Cor. 7:21-24).
Applicants should be demonstrating consistent evidence of Christian character (I Tim. 4:12).
Applicants should maintain regular and contributing involvement in a church fellowship that holds doctrines and teachings that agree with Providence Church Academy's Statement of Faith (Heb. 10:24-25).
Applicants should actively pursue their relationship with God through prayer and a daily time of meditation in the Word of God (Ps. 42:1-2).
Applicants should demonstrate spiritual maturity, a teachable spirit, and have a clear conscience before God and men (1 Timothy 1:5).
Applicants should hunger to learn and apply God's Word and seeks to grow spiritually and in the spiritual gifts (I Tim. 4:15-16).
Family-Home Life Qualifications for Employment (if married):
Possess a submissive spirit with respect to God-given authority within the home.
Demonstrate a conviction to fulfill the responsibilities to one's spouse as outlined in Ephesians 5:22-32 and views marriage as a reflection of the relationship between Christ and His Church.
Faithfully attend a local, Bible-believing church.